Morocco 2024

A 5-day trip climbing the highest mountain in North Africa, trekking across the Agafay Desert by camel, and camping in luxury under the stars. 

Book a call to find out more
and secure your spot

What will you get up to?

Date: 24th June – 29th June 2024

Embark on an daring expedition into the heart of Morocco. Our adventure begins in the city of Marrakech, where you’ll spend a memorable night in the bustling UNESCO Square, immersing yourself in the vibrant culture of the city.

The real adventure unfolds as we set our sights on Mount Toubkal, North Africa’s highest peak at 4167m. Over two days we’ll make our way to the summit, rewarding ourselves with awe-inspiring views across the Atlas Mountains. But the adventure doesn’t stop there; we’ll mount waiting camels to traverse the Agafay Desert in search of your camp for the night. In the heart of the golden sands, you’ll find solace at a luxury Agafay Desert camp, spending the night under a blanket of stars.

As our expedition nears its end, we’ll return to Marrakech to celebrate our collective achievement, creating memories to last a lifetime.

Book a call to find out more and secure your spot.

What’s included?

  • International flights
  • Two nights in a premium hotel in Marrakech 
  • 2-day guided hike up Toubkal 
  • 2 nights in a comfortable mountain cabin 
  • Transport inland to the trek startpoint
  • Camel ride into Agafay Desert luxury camp 
  • One night in a luxury camp in the heart of the Agafay Desert 
  • Food and drink during climb
  • two team meals in Marrakesh


Arrive in the bustling and exotic city of Marrakech, where the Legend Expedition team will greet you and lead you to your hotel for the night.

Your journey kicks off with a team meal in the lively UNESCO Square, setting the stage for an unforgettable adventure. Meet your local guide, who will unveil the thrilling experiences awaiting you.

It’s time for some adventure. Your destination? The Atlas Mountains. Embark on an exhilarating trek, gradually ascending toward the Toubkal mountain cabin, which sits halfway up North Africa’s highest peak. 

At the break of day, you’ll rise early to reach the summit of Mount Toubkal. The thrill of reaching the peak and witnessing the world awaken beneath a breathtaking sunrise is a moment you’ll treasure.

Today, it’s all about the grand transition. Say goodbye to the Atlas Mountains and brace yourself for a thrilling 4×4 ride. This journey takes you to where camels patiently await, ready to carry you deeper into the Agafay Desert.

Awaken to the beauty of the Agafay Desert . In the afternoon, you’ll return to Marrakech, but the adventure isn’t over. The bustling Marrakech market beckons with its vibrant energy, a fitting backdrop for your final team meal in the UNESCO Square. 

Your legendary adventure in Morocco is coming to an end. The team will transport you back to the airport, and as you journey homeward, you’ll carry with you the memories of this epic adventure that will last a lifetime.


Spaces are very limited for this members-only adventure.

At £2950 all inclusive, this trip is amazing value for money, and will give you memories that will last a lifetime.

Payments will be arranged by Jack Fleckney, Founder of Legend Expedition and former Foundry Coach.

Book a quick call below to run through all the details.
