More muscle. More mobility.
More energy.
Strengthen your mind and body and boost your confidence with our tailored fitness programmes for men.
Know your body to be your best
There’s a wide range of ages in our male member community, and a fair few over 35. That’s no coincidence. Mid-thirty is the point in life when your body starts paying you back for packing in the sports or living a less than healthy lifestyle.
Daily activities start to become a little harder, grabbing something from off the floor comes with risks and it’s all too easy to feel your hamstring go in the Sunday football league. We know the challenges (because some of us have been there), and we also know the solutions.

Age affects your workouts – there’s no escaping that fact. That’s why we factor it in when tailoring your programme. The types and the amount of exercise you do are crucial to keeping you motivated and achieving the best results without injury, keeping you fighting fit for many years to come!
“Achieving better mobility, building muscle, boosting aerobic capacity, warming up properly, improving recovery: these are just some of the areas we focus on to get you back in shape and maybe even end up with a better physique than your 20-year-old self.”
There’s more to being fit than meets the eye

A lean, strong body has become a socially accepted norm for guys. We want to challenge this expectation, and also address your fitness, as this can result in other life-improving benefits.
For example, regular cardio training can reduce the risk of many chronic and potentially life-threatening illnesses or make you better equipped to deal with everyday stresses. You could be the fittest Dad at sports day, run for the last train untroubled, or start that 5-a-side touch rugby team you’ve wanted to try.

Properly structured fitness training

This is one of the most ignored aspects of personal fitness. Based on your individual circumstances, we mix up your workouts in a structured way, planning in periods of hard work with periods of recovery. It helps you manage your energy levels, meaning you get more from your workouts and achieve better results.
If developing your physique is your goal, that’s cool, but we promise to make the process of developing overall strength and fitness, fun. Even on that last set of 21 curls.

Where Alex Belongs
“I’ve been eager to try Foundry for ages as I wanted to do a functional training class with more of a bespoke focus than you get in a large gym. There’s a real community feel as well. I’d definitely return.”
Where Frank Belongs
“It’s not like any other gym I have experienced, genuinely fun, tough but fair!”
Take our 21-Day Challenge
1-2-1 Strategy Session
Everyone’s different, so we customise your training from day one.
Personal Training
Strength-based sessions, tailored to you and your goals.
Unlimited Fitness Classes
Our regular cardio-based classes complement your personal training.