Good Carbs v Bad Carbs
There is quite a lot of misconception around the topic of Carbohydrate. We hear sentences such as “good carbs” “complex carbs” “no carbs” and it can all become quite confusing.
Put simply, what is the difference between a “good” carb and a “bad” one and should we be cutting out all carbs in order to be slim and healthy?
The answer as far as I’m concerned is no. Cutting all carbs is not a good idea, especially if you are working out regularly. The main thing is to recognise which carbs are better for us.
The basic notion to bear in mind is that if it’s natural or from the land, it’s probably ‘good’ for you. But if its something that may be full of health depleting nasties, then I’d probably advise you think twice.
Not all carbs are equal
Natural carbs are present in everything from veggies, fruits, and legumes to whole-grains such as quinoa, rice, rye, oats etc..
What makes a “bad carb?” In my opinion, the “bad” carbs I’m referencing are those that are highly processed, calorie dense foods that have little to no nutritional value. These foods have been stripped of beneficial fibre meaning that all you are consuming are unhealthy sugars and empty calories.
Examples of some “good”/ better for you carbs:
- Sweet Potatoes
- Oats
- Quinoa
- Bananas
- Fruits in General
- Starchy Veg such as Asparagus
- Kidney and Garbanzo Beans
- Legummes
Examples of some “bad “carbs and the ones to avoid:
- Alcohol
- Cheap Bread
- Chocolate Bars
- Sugar
- Corn Syrup (a high fructose sweetener found in processed foods and fizzy drinks)
- Cakes
- Pastries
- Sweets
Bonus tips:
Swap white toast with pumpernickel or rye. Of course this depends on your tolerance level. Everyone reacts differently to different breads. So play around and see how you feel.
Drink coconut water or peppermint tea instead of fruit juice or fizzy sodas
For more ideas see our recipes and nutritional e-books, or pop into our Gyms in London to find out more about how we incorporate nutrition and healthy eating into your personal fitness goals.
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