Beginners Guide to the Deadlift

The deadlift is one of my all-time favourite lifts and an absolute must for anyone stepping into the gym, whether you’re new to training or a seasoned lifter. It’s one of the simplest movements to understand—pick up the bar, put it down—but don’t let that fool you. When done correctly, the deadlift is one of the most effective and challenging exercises you can perform.

Why Should You Deadlift?

At Foundry, we’re big advocates of the deadlift because it’s one of the best ways to build strength in the posterior chain—your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. Given that so many people spend most of their day sitting, these muscles often become weak and underused, which can lead to poor movement patterns and even back pain over time.

A strong posterior chain helps your body move as it should. When these muscles work together properly, they improve posture, enhance athletic performance, and reduce injury risk. Deadlifts, when performed with good form, can even help alleviate lower back discomfort by reinforcing proper movement mechanics and strengthening the muscles that support the spine.

How to Perform a Deadlift Correctly

Mastering the deadlift starts with getting the basics right. Here’s how to set up and execute the movement:

  • Set Your Stance: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and position the bar over the middle of your foot. Your shins should be close but not touching the bar.
  • Grip the Bar: Bend at the hips and knees, reaching down to grip the bar just outside your legs. Use a double overhand grip to start, or switch to a mixed grip as you progress.
  • Engage Your Core: Take a deep breath, brace your core, and pull your shoulder blades back slightly to create tension.
  • Lift Smoothly: Push through your heels and drive your hips forward as you lift, keeping the bar close to your body at all times.
  • Lockout with Control: At the top, stand tall with your chest up and squeeze your glutes. Avoid leaning back or overextending.
  • Lower the Bar Safely Reverse the movement by pushing your hips back first, keeping control as you lower the bar to the floor.

Five Tips for a Stronger Deadlift

  • Apply Tension Before You Lift

One of the beginners’ biggest mistakes is yanking the bar off the ground. Instead, take a moment to engage your lats and apply tension to the bar before you start the pull. This keeps the movement smooth and controlled.

  • Keep Your Chest Up

Maintaining an upright chest position helps keep your back straight and the bar close to your body. This reduces strain on the lower back and improves overall efficiency.

  • Shift Your Weight to Your Heels

At the start of the lift, your knees might be slightly over the bar, and your weight might be more towards the front of your foot. As you initiate the lift, think about pulling your knees back and shifting your weight onto your heels to fully engage the posterior chain.

  • Drive Your Hips Through at the Top

A common issue with deadlifts is failing to engage the glutes at the movement’s top. When you reach lockout, push your hips into the bar and actively squeeze your glutes.

  • Control the Lowering Phase

Many lifters execute a perfect lift only to round their back when lowering the bar. This not only looks sloppy but significantly increases injury risk. Think about lowering the bar in a controlled Romanian deadlift (RDL) style before bending your knees to return to the start position.

Building Strength for Life

The deadlift is a powerful tool for building full-body strength, improving posture, and reducing injury risk. By focusing on good technique and maintaining control throughout the movement, you’ll maximise its benefits while staying safe. Whether lifting for strength, performance, or general fitness, incorporating deadlifts into your training routine will set you on the right path to progress.

At Foundry, strength training should be accessible, effective, and enjoyable. Our small group personal training sessions are designed to provide expert coaching in a supportive, motivating environment. Whether you’re perfecting your deadlift or working towards new fitness goals, our coaches will ensure you’re lifting safely and efficiently while pushing your limits.

Want to train smarter and get stronger? Come and experience Foundry Gyms for yourself. Get in touch today to find out how our small group training can help you build confidence, improve your technique, and see real results.


Deadlift Set Up Tip


Perfecting your Deadlift – Tip 1


Perfecting your Deadlift – Tip 2


Perfecting your Deadlift – Tip 3


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