Health and Fat Loss In a Nutshell - Foundry Personal Training Gyms

Health and Fat Loss In a Nutshell

Regaining health an shifting body fat can at times be complex and call for scientific strategies, but the basic principles are straight forward and apply to all health and performance goals.

In times of information overload and media confusion we’re all after the bottom line and I recently got asked for a ‘3-point, straight talking and jargon free nutshell approach’ to fat loss which most ‘normal’ people can incorporate – I whittled it down to five and gave three points for each!

5 Points to Healthy Fat Loss

1. Eat clean

  • Clean food means organically reared/grown, locally sourced and seasonal.  Hit at least hit one of the three and you’ll be doing well.
  • Eliminate or vastly reduce wheat, dairy, alcohol and processed foods and eat things in as close to their natural state as possible.
  • Follow the 90/10 rule (and be sure to make that 10% guilt free)

2. Drink clean

  • Clean reverse osmosis filtered water is king.
  • Tap water, bottled water, milk (soy included), fruit juices, fizzy drinks, alcohol and energy/sports drinks are not our friend.
  • Top tip: stick to filtered water until its party time.

3. Sleep soundly

  • How much is open for debate and is highly individual, but the need for quality sleep is neither.
  • Sound sleep is regular and uninterrupted and might well be the number one priority for most people.
  • Bottom line, lack of/poor quality sleep is stressful and makes people fat and sick.

4. Train with purpose

  • Be clear about what your goals are and train accordingly.
  • Whatever your level, don’t fart-arse about.  Train hard when you do, back off when appropriate and be consistent!
  • Remember to maintain a sense of humour throughout.

5. Balance Yin/Yang

  • Make (more) time to chill out.
  • Balancing ‘doing’ and ‘being’ is essential to robust health – something long forgotten by most of us.
  • All work and no play makes Jack and Jill very dull folk!

We help our members with a nutritional programme that works for them, if you’re struggling, give us a shout at one of our small group training gyms in London and we’ll help you work out a plan that suits you.

You may also find our nutritional e-books helpful to eating healthier.


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