5 Boxes To Tick If You're Not Getting Results - Foundry Personal Training London

5 Boxes To Tick If You’re Not Getting Results

Improving your body composition is sometimes a bit of a puzzle. That being said, it can be a simple puzzle with only a few large pieces.

Often people are baffled when they haven’t got any obvious aesthetic change after doing a month or more of consistent exercise. Consistent exercise is a great place to start and it will have a positive effect on health. However, it’s just the start if you want to make a change to your physique.

You need to keep these 5 things in mind all the time and manage your lifestyle by creating sustainable habits


  1. 8 hours of sleep a night
  2. 3-4 meals a day consisting of un processed foods, each one with a decent source of protein
  3. 3-4 training sessions a week
  4. 5 or less units of alcohol a week (one or two beers/glasses of wine)
  5. 3 litres of water every day


If you nail all of these consistently, there is no doubt you will start making strides in the right direction.

Body re-composition is a long road and sprinting out of the gate will not get you to the end of a long road!

If the above list looks unrealistic then you may not be ready for a transformation. Which is absolutely fine, but don’t expect to see significant change.

We help our members with a nutritional programme that works for them, if you’re struggling, give us a shout at our gyms in East London or try out our personal training and we’ll help you work out a plan that suits you.


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