Here’s Why You’re Struggling to Lose Fat (And What You Can Do About It) - Foundry Personal Training Gyms

Here’s Why You’re Struggling to Lose Fat (And What You Can Do About It)

You’ve been working out, eating right (most of the time), and putting in the effort, but the fat just isn’t budging.

Sound familiar?

Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Fat loss can be a slippery goal to pin down, and the truth is, there are several often-overlooked factors that can sabotage your progress. Despite doing the “right” things like exercising regularly and eating well, these hidden pitfalls can keep you stuck.

But here’s the good news: once you identify these fat loss saboteurs, you can start making simple adjustments that will finally push you over the finish line.

At Foundry, we specialise in helping you take control of your health and fitness—without the stress of doing it all alone. We give you a solid plan, personalised support, and a motivating environment to keep you on track.


1. You’re Not Eating the Right Balance of Foods

The Problem:
If you’re throwing together meals and hoping for the best, you might not be getting the right balance of nutrients your body needs to burn fat effectively. Overdoing it on the carbs, skipping protein, or setting your calorie goal unsustainably low can all backfire and make it harder for you to lose fat – and keep it off.

The Fix:
At Foundry, we use a simple, science-based approach to nutrition that makes it easier to understand what your body needs.

  • Prioritising Protein: Protein keeps you fuller for longer, preserves muscle mass during fat loss, and helps with recovery after workouts.
  • Incorporating Healthy Fats: Don’t fear fats—they are essential for hormone production and overall health.
  • Choosing the Right Carbs: Opt for complex carbs like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to fuel your workouts and keep your energy levels steady.

The Foundry Food Pyramid breaks the stages of healthy nutrition, giving you a simple guide to prioritising your plans. Remember, you need to build a foundation of adherence and health before you can move onto the more advanced strategies.

Food Pyramid - 10 Steps to Success - Foundry Personal Training Gyms

2. Hormonal Changes and Underlying Health Conditions

The Problem:
As we age, our bodies undergo hormonal changes that can make fat loss more challenging, especially for men and women entering their 40s and beyond. For women, menopause can lead to a drop in estrogen, which can slow metabolism and cause fat to accumulate around the midsection. For men, declining testosterone levels can result in decreased muscle mass and increased fat retention. In addition, underlying health conditions such as thyroid imbalances, insulin resistance, or metabolic syndrome can further complicate fat loss efforts.

The Fix:
While the approach to fat loss remains largely the same—focusing on balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate recovery—you may need extra support and accountability as you navigate these changes. At Foundry, we understand the impact of hormonal shifts and the importance of adapting your approach to fat loss as you age. Our small-group training model provides the structure, support, and expert guidance to help you stay on track, even when your body isn’t responding the way it used to.

Our focus at Foundry isn’t just on fat loss; it’s on building healthspan—ensuring you live longer, fitter, and stronger. We help you create a foundation for longevity, helping you feel energized, maintain muscle, and stay active well into middle age and beyond. Our goal is to help you enjoy life to the fullest, whether you’re in your 30s or 60s, and build a base of fitness that will carry you through the years.


3. You’re Not Being Consistent Enough

The Problem:
Let’s be honest—some weeks, life is all about green smoothies and early morning workouts. Other weeks, Netflix and takeaway reign supreme. While occasional indulgence is totally fine, inconsistency can be a real roadblock when it comes to fat loss. Skipping workouts, fluctuating between clean eating and pizza binges, and not having a solid plan can all stall your progress.

The Fix:
Consistency is the magic ingredient, and at Foundry, we make it as easy as possible to stay on track. With sessions running every hour on the hour and access to 7 gyms across London and the South East, there’s always time to squeeze in a workout (no excuses). You book your session, show up, and we handle the rest. Plus, our trainers will check in with you if you start ghosting the gym, so you’re never out of the loop for long.


4. Stress and Sleep Are Sabotaging Your Efforts

The Problem:
We get it—life’s busy, and stress is just a part of it. But stress and lack of sleep are two major factors that can mess with your fat loss goals. Stress ramps up cortisol production, which can make your body hold onto fat. And if you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re probably feeling hungrier, crankier, and way less motivated to work out.

The Fix:
You can’t eliminate stress, but you can manage it. Review what’s on your plate and consider what you could delegate or get rid of to reduce your daily and weekly load. Get serious about your sleep hygiene and prioritise bedtime. By focusing on reducing stress and improving sleep quality, you’ll give your body the reset it needs to burn fat effectively.


5. You’re Doing Too Much Cardio (And Not Enough Strength Training)

The Problem:
If you think that pounding the treadmill for hours is the key to fat loss, think again. Endless cardio can actually cause you to lose muscle, which is the opposite of what you want. Less muscle means a slower metabolism, and that makes fat loss an uphill battle.

The Fix:
When it comes to getting the most bang for your buck in the gym, strength training is like the high-yield investment of the fitness world – and the best way to spend your precious exercise time.  Muscle is a metabolic powerhouse, meaning the more of it you have, the more calories your body burns at rest. Cardio may burn calories during the workout, but strength training revs up your metabolism for the long haul.


6. You’re Not Recovering Properly

The Problem:
We get it—when you’re fired up about losing fat, it’s tempting to work out as much as possible. But overtraining can lead to burnout, injury, and that dreaded plateau where progress just… stops. No one wants that.

The Fix:
Recovery is just as important as the workout itself. At Foundry, we’re big advocates of prehabilitation, and recovery lies at the heart of this. By strengthening our weak areas, allowing the body to go through ‘active rest’, improving flexibility, and enhancing stability, we create a solid foundation for our workouts. 


The Foundry Difference

At Foundry, we make fat loss simple and achievable – no matter your starting point. Our small-group personal training model gives you the personalised attention you’d get from a 1:1 coach but in a more social, affordable, and flexible setting. 

You get structure, accountability, and expert guidance, all while working out alongside other motivated people who’ll keep you pushing through that last set.

Here’s why Foundry is your secret weapon for fat loss:

  • Convenient Scheduling: We run sessions every hour, so no matter how crazy your day gets, we’ve got you covered. You can also use any of our seven gyms across London and the South East.
  • Built-In Accountability: Our trainers check in with you if you start missing sessions – no more hiding from the gym! We’re here to help you stay on track, even when life throws you a curveball.
  • Long-Term Fitness: We’re not just about helping you lose a few pounds. We’re about building a foundation of health and fitness that will keep you feeling strong, capable, and energised for years to come. Think of it as preparing your body for a lifetime of adventures.
  • No Risk, No Worries: Nervous about committing? Try our 21-day challenge, risk-free. If you don’t love it, we’ll give you your money back. Simple.


Let’s Wrap This Up

If fat loss feels like an unsolvable puzzle, take heart – sometimes, all it takes is a fresh perspective. By tackling these common roadblocks and adjusting your approach, you can start seeing real progress, no matter your age or fitness level.

At Foundry, we’re here to support you every step of the way. From personalised workouts to expert nutrition advice and community accountability, we make it easier (and more fun) to hit your fat loss goals. 

Ready to get started? Sign up for our 21-Day Challenge, and let’s get this show on the road.

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