Jeans Challenge Success Story - Foundry Personal Training Gyms

Jeans Challenge Success Story

Below is the success story of Jeans Challenge finisher MB detailing her eight week journey to improved sleep, skin, health, overall health and physique. Hat’s off to her for eight weeks of dedication, consistency, hard training and nutritional compliance.

We’ll worth it given her results.

“I have lost 6kg of fat and have put on a 1kg of muscle. Thank-you to the cracking team for helping me drop 2 sizes and get back into my favourite jeans.”

MB’s story in her own words:

Through-out last year, I tried a variety of different exercises – I ran, I danced, I posed, I even found myself eyeball-to-eyeball with an over-zealous MMA devotee on the odd occasion.

All of this and my jeans were still sitting rather snug to say the least. Then came along December holiday of complete over-indulgence and those jeans could no longer get over my hips.

It was time to take action.

After spending some time online, I settled on two places which looked like they may be able to help and I mailed both to make an enquiry. From the one I got a page-long response of complex options and marketing bumph. From Foundry I got a friendly response inviting me in for a chat.

After meeting Adam to discuss my goals, diet, exercise and sleeping habits (I never replied to the former), I signed up for the 8 week jeans challenge. It was obvious that the guys at Foundry know their stuff. They are super knowledgeable about fitness and in particular nutrition.

Having never done any strength training before I was a little apprehensive at first. However, the programme was simple to follow: two weekly PT sessions and two metabolic sessions a week.

Okay fine I thought, but the sessions themselves were really tough, probably amongst the toughest thing that I have done before, but what I loved about the training sessions is that you are in and out of there in under an hour, half an hour for the metabolic sessions. No sweating away for hours at a time.

During the sessions, Rob, JC and Adam are all so helpful and attentive, correcting my posture where I go wrong and kicking my butt where I need the odd bit of encouragement. The vibe at the gym is also great. Plenty of buoyant banter and pumping tunes to keep you moving.

Probably the biggest surprise for me was my diet. When I signed-up I was quite shocked to hear that I was generally under-caloried.

This turned out to be the reason why by late afternoon I was on the scavenge for biscuits and chocolate and at night I sustained a cereal post-dinner breakfast habit. So I had to learn to eat more… and eat more I did! I have a really busy working day and don’t have a lot of time to eat, nor do complex food preparation, but Adam designed a nutritional programme that was easy to follow.

My new diet (lifestyle!) is delicious and very fulfilling and I no longer get any sweet or chocolate cravings, which was another big surprise for me. Also, there were quite a few girls at the office, who came over to admire my healthy lunches.

I completed a food diary and had weekly weigh-ins, which really helped to keep me motivated, especially since I saw my fat levels come down steadily each week. And don’t think you can get away with ‘forgetting’ to submit your food diary for weekly scrutiny and advice. There were a couple times when Adam politely reminded me that he hadn’t received mine and was waiting to see it!

If you are looking for sympathy and lenience towards your need for a packet of the nation’s favourite chocolate-ensconced tea time treat, then this is not the place for you.

But if you looking for real results, then look no further than Foundry. I heartily recommend them, which says a lot from a girl who is hard to impress. I am also sleeping much better (I have always been blighted with sleeping issues) and really seeing the benefits from a regular, post-work routine.

We help our members with a nutritional programme that works for them, if you’re struggling, give us a shout at our personal training gyms in London or try out our training sessions and we’ll help you work out a plan that suits you.

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