red thai curry and salad dressing recipes - Foundry Personal Training Gym

Red Thai Curry & Salad Dressing Recipes

By request from a couple of our current Jeans Challenge ladies, here are a couple of recipe ideas.  One for the much missed curry (which although certainly not recommended as a stable for this program, can actually be ‘good’ for you if made from scratch), the other two to ‘help make salad and vegetables taste less boring’.

Now before anyone starts questioning these, bear in mind that they are JC’s – who is certainly no chef!  He’s not sure where or whom they’ve been borrowed/stolen/adapted from (probably a mix and match), but they taste alright.  JC would probably tell you that they’re ‘special’, but we’ll leave you to make up your own mind on that bold claim.

Feedback would be very much welcomed.  Especially if it relates to making these (particularly the curry!) taste better.

Here goes.

Thai Red Curry


  • A red chilli (or two)
  • A couple of garlic cloves
  • Fresh coriander
  • A thumbnail sized piece of ginger
  • A splash of fish sauce (splash = teaspoon?)
  • A generous splash of soy sauce
  • A splash of sesame oil
  • A sprinkle of tumeric (odd I know – more Indian – but it’s very good for you!)


  1. Throw all of the above into a mini-blender.  Put to one side.
  2. Finely chop a whole onion and pan fry in coconut oil (until no longer crunchy – important).  Start on high heat and bring down to moderate.
  3. Par-cook your meat – chicken or prawns I use.  Add the mix and stir.
  4. Throw over a can of coconut milk (half, depending on how many you’re cooking for) and stir briefly.
  5. Turn off the heat, leave to sit for a couple of minutes and serve.


You can add sugar snap peas and other veg to this, rather than serve with rice.  Chop these finely and throw in at the same time as the meat, or a couple of minutes after.

Standard Salad Dressing


  • A finely chopped shallot
  • Couple of finely chopped cloves of garlic (more or less, whatever you’re into – I like garlic)
  • ½ a crushed avocado
  • ½ teaspoon mustard
  • Olive Oil & Balsamic vinegar (3:1 ratio ish – play with it)

Goes with just about anything ‘salady’.

Thai Salad dressing (sort of)


  • Finely chopped thumbnail sized piece of ginger
  • A finely chopped clove or two of garlic
  • A finely chopped red chilli (1/2 might do it)
  • A splash of soy sauce (splash = teaspoon?)
  • A splash of sesame oil
  • Handful of finely chopped fresh coriander
  • A generous squeeze of fresh lime

Throw over chosen salad/grated raw vegetables and mix.

Enjoy this, check out more recipes or our health & nutrition category.

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